Elastic-plastic fracture test methods : the user's experience : a symposium, Louisville, KY, 20-22 April 1983 /

Elastic-plastic fracture test methods : the user's experience : a symposium, Louisville, KY, 20-22 April 1983 / sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing ; E.T. Wessel and F.J. Loss, editors - Philadelphia, PA : ASTM, 1985 - 424 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - ASTM special technical publication ; 856 .

"ASTM publication code number (PCN) 04-856000-30." Papers presented at the Symposium on User's Experience with Elastic-Plastic Fracture Toughness Test Methods.

Includes bibliographies and index.



Fracture mechanics--Congresses.
Vật liệu plastic
Vật liệu học
Vật liệu đàn hồi
Đứt gãy cơ học
Mechatronics Engineering Technology

TA409 / .E423 1985

620.1 / ELA 1985