Free electron generation of extreme ultraviolet coherent radiation (Brookhaven/OSA, 1983) / edited by J.M.J. Madey and C. Pellegrini. - New york : American Institute of Physics, 1984 - 320 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - AIP conference proceedings ; Subseries on optical science and engineering ; no. 118. no. 4 . - AIP conference proceedings ; no. 118. AIP conference proceedings. Subseries on optical science and engineering ; no. 4. .

"Cosponsored by National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Optical Society of America." "Topical meeting on Free Electron Generation of Extreme Ultraviolet Coherent Radiation, held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island, New York on September 19-22, 1983".

Includes bibliographical references and index.



Free electron lasers--Congresses.
Ultraviolet radiation--Congresses.

Bức xạ Lase điện tử Tia cực tím

QC689.5.L37 / F74 1984

535.5/8 / FRE 1984