Selling above and below the line : convince the C-suite : win over management : secure the sale /
William "Skip" Miller.
- First Edition.
- New York : AMACOM--American Management Association, 2015.
- xviii, 236 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Foreword -- Author's preface -- Acknowledgments -- You are selling more than just features & benefits -- The line that splits the two parts of a sale -- Selling below the line -- Selling above the line -- Controlling the sale above and below the line -- Stage one : being proactive -- Sharpen your executive business acumen -- Stage two : don't forget the split -- Two different value propositions and energy sources -- Stage three : value vs. value -- Balancing between the lines to accelerate the deal -- Stages four and five : getting a decision -- How to implement in your current selling process -- Overall strategizing for an above the line sale -- Index.
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