War and peace in the 20th century and beyond : proceedings of the Nobel Centennial Symposium / editors, Geir Lundestad and Olav Njølstad. - River Edge, N.J. : World Scientific , 2002 - 255 p.

Introduction: the conflicts of the 20th century and the solutions for the 21st century / Geir Lundestad & Olav Njølstad -- Dialogue and cooperation to achieve world peace / Kim Dae-jung -- War and peace in the 20th century / Eric Hobsbawm -- Ideologies and polities : liberal democracy and national dictatorship in peace and war / Michael W. Doyle -- Making sense of political violence in postcolonial Africa / Mahmood Mamdani -- Global inequity and persistent conflicts / Amartya Sen -- The rise and fall of great powers / Joseph S. Nye -- Beyond militarism, arms races and arms control / Mary Kaldor -- Rivalry over territory and resources and the balance of peace and war : the 20th century / Louis Fawcett -- Misperception, mistrust, fear / Akira Iriye -- The Nobel Peace Prize in its next century : old and new dimensions / Geir Lundestad.


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