TY - BOOK AU - Bonell,Michael AU - Bruijnzeel,Leendert Adriaan ED - International Hydrological Programme. ED - International Union of Forestry Research Organizations. TI - Forests, water, and people in the humid tropics: past, present, and future hydrological research for intergrated land and water management SN - 0521829534 AV - GB840 .F68 2005 U1 - 333.75 22 PY - 2005/// CY - Cambridge, UK, New York, NY, USA PB - Cambridge University Press KW - Hydrology, Forest KW - Tropics KW - Rain forests KW - Nước KW - Rừng KW - Thủy văn KW - Tài nguyên thiên nhiên N1 - Based on papers from a sympsium and workshop organized jointly by the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO and the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, held in Kula Lumpar, Maylasia, July 30-Aug. 4,2000; Includes bibliographical references UR - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/cam041/2003069746.html UR - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/cam041/2003069746.html ER -