Analytical atomic spectrometry with flames and plasmas /
José A.C. Broekaert.
- 2nd completely rev. and extended ed.
- Weinheim : Chichester : Wiley-VCH ; John Wiley [distributor], 2005.
- xii, 414 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Previous ed.: 2002.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Basic principles. -- Spectrometric instrumentation. -- Sample introduction devices. -- Atomic absorption spectrometry. -- Optical emission spectrometry. -- Plasma mass spectrometry. -- Atomic fluorescence spectrometry. -- Laser-enhanced ionization spectrometry. -- Sample preparation for atomic spectrometry. -- Comparison with other methods.
352731282X (hbk.)
013148759 Uk 973333057 GyFmDB
Atomic spectroscopy. Flame spectroscopy. Plasma spectroscopy. Hóa phân tích Phương pháp quang phổ Plasma quang phổ Chemical Engineering and Technology