SPSS Survival Manual : a step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS /
Julie Pallant.
- 6th edition
- New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2016
- 352 p.
pt. 1. Getting started. Designing a study -- Preparing a codebook -- Getting to know IBM SPSS -- pt. 2. Preparing the data file. Creating a data file and entering data -- Screening and cleaning the data -- pt. 3. Preliminary analyses. Descriptive statistics -- Using graphs to describe and explore the data -- Manipulating the data -- Checking the reliability of a scale -- Choosing the right statistic -- pt. 4. Statistical techniques to explore relationships among variables. Correlation -- Partial correlation -- Multiple regression -- Logistic regression -- Factor analysis -- pt. 5. Statistical techniques to compare groups. Non-parametric statistics -- T-tests -- One-way analysis of variance -- Two-way between-groups ANOVA -- Mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance -- Multivariate analysis of variance -- Analysis of covariance.
Social sciences--Statistical methods--Computer programs Social sciences--Research--Statistical methods. Social sciences--Research--Statistical methods Social sciences--Statistical methods--Computer programs. Khoa học xã hội--Phương pháp thống kê--Chương trình máy tính