Hinderman, Bill,

Building responsive data visualization for the web / Bill Hinderman. - Indianapolis, IN : John Wiley & Sons, INC., [2016] - xxxiii, 408 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction -- Part one: creating the responsive web. The mobile web ; Responsive web design tenets ; Working with a flexible grid ; Designing responsive layouts with CSS ; Enhancing with JavaScript -- Part two: creating responsive data visualization. Data design: an abridged history ; Responsive data visualization tenets ; Thinking small ; Asset dependence ; Code-driven visualization ; Building the future-friendly web -- Part three. Additional resources. Resources.

9781119067146 (ebk.) 1119067146 (ebk.)


Information visualization.
Information visualization.
Thông tin--Thống kê học
Thông tin trực quan
Phương pháp luận

QA76.9.I52 / H56 2016

001.4/226 / HIN 2016