Global business today / Charles W.L. Hill by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT Tổng hợp (1)Call number: 658 HIL 2000. Not available: Phòng DVTT Ngoại ngữ : Checked out (1).
McGraw-Hill dictionary of electrical and computer engineering
Material type: Text; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2004
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT KHTN & XHNV (1)Call number: 004.03 McG 2004. Phòng DVTT Tổng hợp (1)Call number: 004.03 McG 2004.
McGraw-Hill concise encyclopedia of science & technology.
Edition: 5th ed.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill, c2005
Other title:
- Concise encyclopedia of science & technology
- McGraw-Hill concise encyclopedia of science and technology
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT KHTN & XHNV (1)Call number: 503 McG 2005. Phòng DVTT Tổng hợp (1)Call number: 503 McG 2005.
Basic television and video systems / Bernard Grob, Charles E. Herndon by
Edition: 6th ed.
Material type: Text; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1999
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT KHTN & XHNV (2)Call number: 621.388 GRO 1999, ... Phòng DVTT Mễ Trì (1)Call number: 621.388 GRO 1999. Phòng DVTT Tổng hợp (1)Call number: 621.388 GRO 1999.
Heat transfer / J. P. Holman by
Edition: 8th ed.
Material type: Text; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT KHTN & XHNV (4)Call number: 621.402/2 HOL 1997, ...
Criminology / Freda Adler, Gerhard O.W. Mueller, William S. Laufer. by
Edition: 4th ed., shorter version.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: Eng
Publication details: Boston, Mass. : McGraw-Hill, 2001
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT Tổng hợp (1)Call number: 364 ADL 2001. Not available: Phòng DVTT KHTN & XHNV: Checked out (1). Phòng DVTT Mễ Trì: In transit (1).
Children's literature in the elementary school / Charlotte S. Huck ... [et al.] by
Edition: 7th ed.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English
Publication details: Dubuque, IA : McGraw-Hill, c2001
Other title: - McGraw-Hill children's literature database
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT KHTN & XHNV (1)Call number: 372.64 CHI 2001. Phòng DVTT Ngoại ngữ (1)Call number: 372.64 CHI 2001.
Automotive electronics handbook / Ronald K. Jurgen, editor in chief by
Edition: 2nd ed.
Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
; Audience:
Language: English
Publication details: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1999
Availability: Items available for loan: Phòng DVTT KHTN & XHNV (1)Call number: 629.2549 JUR 1999. Phòng DVTT Tổng hợp (1)Call number: 629.2549 JUR 1999.